LMLINE, our agile TMS.
Since the creation of LM2S, we have given a particular care to the development of our internal tool, LMLine.
Tailor-made according to our services, our TMS tool evolves over time to satisfy your logistic, administrative and management needs.
In-house, an R&D team is dedicated to the development and maintenance of this tool for which we have a lot of ambitions: it must be operational, functional, ergonomic and adapted to your needs.
LMLine is :
•The interface of all our solutions : PUDO®, FSL, CSI, PFP, SWAP;
• An ergonomic and easy to use platform to :
• Make a request to the customer service;
• Trigger a PUDO® order , a CSI order, a standard order or a sameday drive;
• Track your parcel in real time;
• Calculate statistics (national, regional, departmental and/or by engineer);
• A central tool for the whole LM2S ecosystem: customers, head office, local partners…
• A tool adapted to spare parts activities: each step is scanned, the whole route is track&traced and consultable in real time;
• A highly secure tool at your service.
“LMLine is an exceptional tool that allows us to control and monitor all our activity in real time. We are aware that this tool must be constantly improved in order to be ever more efficient for our customers whose needs are adjusted to the market reality”.
Bruno COTTERET, IT Manager