The project

What was the trigger for your project/consultation/call for tender?
Yann Guénégan, Manager: We were looking for a happy medium between generalist networks that offer homogeneous feasibilities throughout France but with a lack of specialisation in the business, and specialised service providers who offer specific solutions but with regional disparities given their organisation: regional partnerships, total subcontracting of transport plans, journeys from point A to point B and consequently out-of-budget services.
Did you have any fears before the implementation of the operations, and were they well-founded?
Yann Guénégan : Our fear lay in the capacities of the LM2S network to absorb important variations in volumes from one day to the next, our activity in the Medical sector being very dependent on health news, a fact that is all the more important since 2020 with the pandemic.
The LM2S operational teams have demonstrated a flawless pro-activity and reactivity on a daily basis allowing to keep a perfectly sized network on a daily basis while showing initiative thanks to a good knowledge of our imperatives and constraints.
What are the elements that made you choose the LM2S solution?
Yann Guénégan: The background of the management team and the operations team, all of whom come from large transport groups and who therefore have an excellent knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of generalist transport networks;
• The sales team also has a thorough understanding of the medical sector due to their past professional experience;
• Finally, the quality of the listening skills which enabled us to understand the challenges of our activity despite the many specificities of the medical sector.
The context
What are the challenges in your business today?
Yann Guénégan: We have several challenges today:
• The significant variations in volumes from one day to the next
• The late hours of our collections
• The imperatives of delivery all over France before 8am
• The issues related to the content of our shipments which are entirely destined for pharmacies and hospitals, including major therapeutic treatments as well as, for example for the year 2020, masks, antigenic tests and other products directly related to the widely publicised COVID-19 crisis
How does the LM2S solution accompany you to take up these challenges?
Yann Guénégan: LM2S operates as a real partner, in perfect transparency and by integrating us in the strategic reflections on the operational organisation.
Also accompanying us over the long term despite the vagaries of current events: for example, the decision to maintain the transport plan unchanged during the first containment despite the fall in the majority of other volumes while respecting the Good Distribution Practices for pharmaceutical products.
The benefits
What do you find most satisfying about the LM2S solution?
Yann Guénégan: LM2S has a quality rate without equivalence on the market (>99,5%)!
The communication between the Optimiles and LM2S operational teams, the real-time decision making as well as the positioning which allows for a feasibility all over France while respecting the constraints linked to the pharmaceutical flows as well as a vision in the duration.
What developments do you envisage?
Yann Guénégan: The injection of border flows originating from the Benelux countries thanks to the Hub’s location in the north of the IDF are part of future developments.
The start of new round-trip services for flows of medical equipment and devices intended for home hospitalization as well as the start of temperature-controlled services thanks to passive isothermal packaging and temperature recorders.
And if you were to sum up our partnership in one sentence…?
Yann Guénégan: We know where we come from and above all we know where we are going. Together.